studioshinnyo > War Against Reality

40 Days...40 Nights
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Author:  Christopher Fiss [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  40 Days...40 Nights

Snippits of the upcoming April Manifesto: (yes, I know I missed March...I'll be writing that soon). I have decided to give up Jolt and Alcohol for a late Lent.

P.S.) While most of this is serious, I reserve the right to make stuff up on the fly as I go. ^_^

So, I decided: "Jolt is important to me, why not give it up?" I also decided to knock out Alcohol as an added bonus of saving more money. Money is nice!

I decided to use this Manifesto as a running diary of the effects and interesting things that happened to me during this time. So, without further adue:


(Yes...even the other colours of Jolt. No, I'm not lying. Yes...I am the real Fiss and I haven't buried the 'real' one under the lawn.)

WEEK 1: (Day 1-7)

I have just remembered reading about having caffeine withdrawal headaches, and have determined them to be very, nastily true. No major other side-effects. Any headaches seem to be a 2-3 day thing at worst.

While I have officially only limited my Lent to Jolt, I also am trying not to substitute Jolt for overly jolty colas of other names.

I'm quite proud of myself at this point, especially since Jolt seems easier to find now. The store inside the skyscraper where I work has replenished their Jolt again, and the 7-11 that did not stock or display Jolt for over a year has started to upon our request. I think my biggest worry is that they may think I don't want any and stop carrying it. That would be a shame...but I suppose I can deal with that after all this. Strange dreams all this week, but I think it is not related.

WEEK 2: (Day 8-14)

Naturally, my friends and roommates have noticed my lack of Jolt-drinking and have learned of my evil plans. They are shocked, especially when I mention I will not be making up the lack of Jolt with Jack Daniel's or anything else for that matter.

To spite me, they bring home 3 cases of Jolt.

I'm not bitter. Oh no. In fact, Spike is kind enough to give me his other-non-Jolt beverages (since he has a case of Jolt anyway) to assist in the efforts.

I've noticed and caught myself thinking "I should go to 7-11 and pick up 3 Jolts like I always do" once or twice.

Weirdness: My brain seems to be enjoying this strange new chemical balance and is coming up with such wonderful concepts as "Mind Pee!" when I get tired. "I WILL NOW PEE ON YOU WITH MY MIND!"

I'm getting sick of concentrated juice cans. I must have patience... this will all soon pass back into the blissful euphoria of Jolty-ness once more...

For now, I have rediscovered my love of French Vanilla Cappuccinos in dark moments where I wonder if I drink the blood of my roommates who have drunk Jolt if it will be the same...

WEEK 3: (Day 15-21)

Body not shutting down or doing anything weird. Either I have stored up enough Jolt in my bloodmeats to survive without it, or there really isn't that much difference. Spooky, as I would have thought my entire digestive track would be rebelling against me...or cheering for joy from the freedom of Jolt. So far, no major changes. No scales, and or extra eye-balls.

I have discovered the hardest thing is simply knowing you cannot have something you enjoy.

I'm sure if caffeine was more addictive it would be harder for me to say this, but really, it's the simple act of limiting yourself that makes this so interesting. As for alcohol, my only regrets lay in the fact I'm a social drinker and cannot enjoy the common stupor of the 'guys' and I getting drunk and playing RPG's. Even then, though, I act pretty drunk half the time, so not much is lost, really.

Ahh, but you may be wondering about temptation! After all, how can I claim any will-power if I am not tempted. Well, the 20+ bottles of Jolt still downstairs have not been touched by me...including the one that has mysteriously appeared at the top of the stairs. My un-finished bottle of Jack Daniels hides out of site, but accessible, behind my monitors.

About half-way through Lent, I now can say with certainty that I will attempt to obtain 2 or more cases of Jolt for the final day. I'll have to wait for the Texas-Mickey of Jack, as the 21st will be a Wednesday, and I have no desire to show up at work (and get fired) drunk.

A nice added bonus of all this has been money. Even if I do decide to splurge a bit when this is done, I've probably saved a good fifty bucks...maybe a lot more...on simply getting only the cheap sodas out there. Poor Jolt...misunderstood and over-priced.

Author:  Paradox [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Weee, caffeine withdrawl is fun! Kinda like getting smacked in the back of the head with a baseball bat once an hour for a few days. My wife is always hinting that I should cut back on my caffeine consumption, until I actually try and she realizes that withdrawl turns me into a pain in the ass.

I could give up TV for that long. All I really watch anymore is the news, and I can get that off the net. Not much of a sacrifice, I suppose, but I'm weak. 8)

Author:  Binky [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Fiss

We didn't actually buy it to spite or tempt you, it's just bad timing. Don't make me seem more evil than I am. *snif* After all, I haven't offered you any, have I? And yes, drinking from our jolt-filled veins would be the same.

And for the rest of you out there....I honestly don't think the lack of Jack and Jolt has made Fiss any more crazy than he already was, no matter what he tells you.

Author:  Binky [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:18 am ]
Post subject: 

I could give up anything from Television and up. I've given up jolt for that long before, I've given up meat for that long before, I've given up sex for 26 years running now, and we don't have cable anyways! As for the net, DON'T EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT!!!!

Author:  Spike [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:22 am ]
Post subject: 

i voted sex, but only because i can't have any anyway. not till my Hime comes to canada... *sigh*
when i moved in here i was surprised at the lack of cable tv.
after a month, i didnt miss it anymore.

Author:  Lady Senie [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Jolt / Favorite beverage
20% [ 1 ]
0% [ 0 ]
20% [ 1 ]
20% [ 1 ]
Computer and Internet Access
0% [ 0 ]
Telephone / Cell Phone
0% [ 0 ]
Bathing (whoo hoo! Hippy-time!)
0% [ 0 ]

Let's see... I'm cool with meat, soda, television loss. I honestly didn't think I could give up TV for that long since I was hooked on Saturday morning cartoons for awhile there, but it's all good. Sex is for marriage in my head, so that goes without saying.

Bathing is VERY important to me, so no way.

As for phone and net... Dear GOD!! Those are my only ways of getting/keeping in touch with true psychosis. I couldn't do that to myself...

Lady Senie

Author:  Tozetre [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Go Fiss!

I gave up 80's music. It's really, really difficult. I really LIKE 80's music.

Author:  Christopher Fiss [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:11 pm ]
Post subject: THAT would be a hard one. Can you imagine the looks on everyone's faces when you ask them politely to turn off your favorite song? :P At least you were wise and limited it to a decade. ^_^

Author:  B.T.L. [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I chose TV; I have a shitload of books I'd like to read, and to be honest, if I cut out TV, I'd probably make a serious dent in that pile. Of course, that would mean turing off the! ^_^

Author:  Tenryu [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:44 am ]
Post subject: 

believe it or not i don't watch much tv now-a-days anyway... so yeah i chose television...

actually i always wondered.. what is jolt? :lol: never seen it, never tasted it

Author:  Epsilon [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Who wants to take bets on how soon Fiss will crack without Jolt? I'm betting that he'll go nuts by week 3.

Author:  Paradox [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

How would we be able to tell, Epsilon? :D

Author:  Lady Senie [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Paradox wrote:
How would we be able to tell, Epsilon? :D

Oh... I'm sure SOMEONE ::glares at Binky:: Would be happy to tell us... in detail... if the Czar should break under the strain of no Jolt.

Lady Senie

Author:  Paradox [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh, I was referring to the 'going nuts' aspect of it. 8) Would he suddenly start acting normal or something?

Author:  Binky [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh, I'd definately be able to tell. And, for a small fee (another 24 hr immunity from the good Lady Senie) I'd be happy to spy on my poor joltless roommate to make sure he's ok and let the appropriate people know if he snaps...

I'm sure he'll be ok, least I hope so...

Author:  Bonkerz [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  New Option

Humn, can we add LIFE to those options. I mean if any of those be missing, that no way to live :(

Author:  Lady Senie [ Fri Mar 26, 2004 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  ::grumbles:: Oh, I see how it is...

Okay, peoples, I think we need a ruling on this one. Binky's willing to keep tabs on the Czar for all of us, but for a rather high price (24 hours of immunity from my wrath... He asks for it, I swear! It's not my fault!! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!!!!).

I mean... um... nothing...

Okay, I'm willing to pay up, but ONLY if I hear from a whole bunch of Fissiphiles that they're interested in knowing the progression of his plight. I figure if no one cares, then why postpone Binky's pain, eh? ^_^

So post here if you want to see it. If enough people say yes, I will commission Sir Binky to look in on our poor Joltless Czar and report back to us.

Lady Senie

Author:  Son Goharotto [ Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nah, I don't believe in abusing the wildlife. :P

On that list, I could go without:
Favorite beverage (I've been trying to cut back on soda anyway)
Sex (I dun get none, so that's not a problem)
Telephone (I hate phones! Rar! But seriously, I'd rather talk to someone face to face or have the complete anonymity of the Internet. And I sound like an idiot over the phone. :( )

Author:  Richard Caine [ Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm, well....

I for one love to watch the suffering of others :wink: .

But only really for the sake of the humor of the situation. If Fiss isn't game then I don't particularly care. Plus it might save Binky his hide.....


I skipped out on Lent this year, sort of by accident. Its an interesting thing to ask what you're willing to give up. I guess I would give up caffine and alcohol and sex, but caffine would be the hardest.

Mostly because my girlfriend lives about...... 500 miles away.


I think that I rely on caffine too much sometimes, and it would probably be good for me to kick it, at least for a month.

At any rate....

Author:  Epsilon [ Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm interested in seeing how the future Glocal Czar can survive for 40 days without Jolt. This would at least prove that he can push himself to the limit.

Author:  Decebalus [ Sat Mar 27, 2004 12:08 am ]
Post subject: 

i could quite happily go without all, bar my computer and bathing. largely because i do so most of the time. I've found the TV to be rubish, meat in my house is like hens teeth & the phone rarely rings for me, as for sex,
well how can you miss what you have never known?

Author:  Phae [ Sat Mar 27, 2004 8:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I could go without.... TV, which I don't watch... meat, which I don't usually like... and sex! for the same reason as Spike. Except, uhh, reversed or something.
I can't not bathe. During breaks from school, I've been known to shower 4 times a day. The last ones were cold, but I liked it.
I wouldn't want to give up Sunkist. It's all I drink with caffeine in it. I think most of you would agree that I need something to hold onto.
My phone is an important part of my being. It rings! I answer! AHH!!!
And... don't touch my computer. I wouldn't really *hurt* you... hurt is such a weak word...

Author:  Spike [ Sun Mar 28, 2004 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

senie, i'll do it for free if you're worried. mostly so binky will stop his incessant bragging about immunity and about how much he wants to take advantage of it.
anyway he's been a good fiss so far. extra-crazy but no cheating.

Author:  Binky [ Sun Mar 28, 2004 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Spike wrote:
senie, i'll do it for free if you're worried. mostly so binky will stop his incessant bragging about immunity and about how much he wants to take advantage of it.
anyway he's been a good fiss so far. extra-crazy but no cheating.


Actually, I wouldn't even say he's extra crazy. He's just the same old Fissy. I've seen him much crazier than this.

Author:  -B- [ Mon Mar 29, 2004 12:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Holy crap I'm weak. I couldn't give up any one of those. Escpecially since I do most of 'em at the same time.


I mean, they're all so, what I do. If I didn't do 'em, I'd... I'd... not do!


How about I give up hot water? Cold showers though... mind bendy.

Huh. May be neat. No warmth fer me!

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