studioshinnyo > War Against Reality

Boredem, Anime, and Music combine...
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Author:  admiraltigerclaw [ Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Boredem, Anime, and Music combine...

I'm gonna post a section from a Saber Marionette J fic I'm writing... The song I use in this segment is Rob Dougan's Chateau, from Matrix Reloaded, I will INDICATE when the song would start playing, and a few major points in the song in brackets... anywho...

Viper stopped. In front of him had landed a red clothed Marionette. He knew it from the Saber Dolls instantly. Unlike the regular ones he'd seen all day however, he noticed this one was designed for a guard roll. From old data, guards never worked alone. He turned his head, and a blue clothed guard was behind him.
"The imperial guard, Baiko," she stated.
"And her partner, Tamasaboro," the red one continued.
He knew a classic pincer pin down.
"Viper," he quipped. They had excelent jumping ability, and trapped him in a narrow ally. This manuever was designed to prevent fleeing from them. However, this manuever broke their strength in half. All it requires is for the agressor to attack one of the guards before they could react. Difficult to do with the speed of these two models.
"Were you the one responsible for that explosion a short time ago?" Baiko asked.
Guards only engage because of a reason.

"Yes," Viper stated. "I set off the explosion, but I was not the cause."
"Explain!" Tamasaboro ordered.
"A group of unknown men had assembled a stockpile of composition-B and other high explosives inside a warehouse. You'll find what's left of them unconcious around it. I simply made it so no innocent lives would be harmed."

"Reguardless, you are responsable for causing the blast," Baiko stated. "I must subdue you, I suggest you surrender."
Viper widened his stance.
"I cannot surrender, it is beyond my nature to do so. You will have to take me by force, IF you can," he stated. Tamasaboro was the first agressor of the two, as a rule, attack from behind first.

Cherry rushed to the scene just in time to see the fight start.
Tamasaboro was hurled backwards, her weapon snapped in two, and Baiko was sucker punched in the face as she came up behind Viper. Both guards recovered and attempted another simultanious attack. The same results happened for another fifteen attempts. Cherry was taking in every little bit of data produced, and suddenly noticed the same pattern. She was faced with a choice, she could use this data and engage this... this, machine, or let Baiko and Tamasaboro be more than likely, destroyed by it.
If she failed, she would surely be destroyed, but if she succeded, she was SURE Otaru would praise her for winning and take her somewhere really nice where they would get all lovey dovey and... Cherry snapped out of her daydream when Tamasaboro smashed into a wall nearby. She decided to risk a frontal assault. With the CMJX occupied with Baiko and Tamasaboro, he might not realize she was attacking. After collecting some more data, she began calculating an attack, and then, acted.


Viper caught Baiko's arm, leveraged himself inside under her, then threw her straight at Cherry, who lept up and away from him.

Her calculations went haywire. The moment she began her assault, the calculations completely shifted. She performed a swift calculation to his actions and found the result none too pleasant. She reset her calculations and again, unpleasant end. When she did some heavier processing of her previous calculations, combat sensor readings, and calculated future event forcasting, she discovered that the calculations, just to keep up with the CMJX's actions would have to be done in excess of thirty times a second. And her combat processor calculated three hundred thousand variables a second. No way would a frontal assault work against THAT.

Unfortunately, that's exactly when Lime came flying around the corner like a Bat-outta-hell.
"OH!!! TAKE THIS!" Lime shouted, and charged straight at the CMJX.

[CHETEAU: Start]

"LIME WAIT DON'T-" but Lime was already in the face of the CMJX, attempting by any means to hit it. However, the CMJX was making quite a show of deflecting everything Lime hurled at him. Bloodberry arrived next to Cherry and gaped in surprise.
"Is she INSANE?" she asked Cherry. Cherry could only shrug.

"HOLD STILL!" Lime shouted in frustration. "How am I supposed to beat you if you don't?!" She layed into him with some of her wildest punches yet, but to no success. Then she wound back for the biggest one she could deliver, intending to put every last pound of her total horsepower into it.
[The sudden pause]
The CMJX caught her punch an inch from his face, and didn't even budge from his spot.
"HUH?" Lime had the most rediculous look on her face. A second later the CMJX threw her arm wide and drove an open palm into her chest, she was caught by Bloodberry as she flew backwards.
"He's fast!" Lime gritted.
"We're gonna have to subdue him," Bloodberry scowled. "What are our chances?"
Cherry assessed the combined combat ability of the five of them, and decided the odds, even though low, were worth a shot.
"We might be able to, but we MUST attack simultaniously and quickly," she stated. "Otherwise, his computational speed is far too fast for even me to handle."
Five marionettes spread out as best as they could in the limited space of the ally. Mainly, only two directions were of an option here, thus limiting their spread and forcing on side to be stronger than the other. Lime moved over to Baiko and Tamasaboro, and according to Cherry's calculations, was the most well balanced formation. Then the rushed the CMJX.

[Return of the technobeat...]
An linear minded person would have an extremely hard time picking how to counter attack a pincer rush. This was of course, Cherry's gamble. And the CMJX figured it out in an instant. It was an attempt to confuse what most AI units rely on in a combat situation, a priority attack algarythm. However, he chose to wait for an actual attack. The marrionettes could not PHYSICALLY launch attacks all at the exact same time, otherwise they would simply run into each other. It was Bloodberry who threw the first punch, sending a hefty hook in at his face. Viper leaned back and shifted body weight onto his foot as the punch soared in front of his face, then pushed off and drove an elbow into Bloodberry's stomach, then used the rebound momentum to turn slightly and come across Lime's punch from the opposite side, deflecting her arm wild once more. Still using the momentum, Viper continued in that direction and shot his left foot out behind him, tagging Cherry in the shoulder. As he clipped her, he brought his other foot up and used her for a springboard, grabbing Lime's shoulder in the proccess, jumped right over her, and used the momentum to swing her up over his head and chuck her right into Baiko and Tamasaboro.
Viper spun around and deflected another Bloodberry surprise, and was forced to step back as Cherry joined in with some strikes of her own. They pinned his arms and tried to hold him, but he immediately reached for the sky, then jerked down, throwing them both on their backs. Baiko was in the air for a strike at this time, and Viper continued his spin to throw his legs in the air, scissoring Baiko and using momentum to force her to join Cherry and Bloodberry on the ground. Lime powered into him to punch him, but he spun out of it and elbow dropped her into the Cement, bouncing off her shoulder, and using the moment for a straight punch into Tamasaboro's abdomen, he stepped into this punch, sending the guard flying down the ally, across the street and into a brick wall. She was out of commision for the time being. A super high frequency whistling noise allerted him to something Bloodberry had hurled his way, and he jumped into the air backwards, right over the collective remains of the group, avoiding a large wooden beam. Baiko was in his face the moment he landed, weilding an energy blade, and she tried several times to slash at any opening. Viper was forced to duck in some pretty conspicuous ways to avoid the knife fighter like slashes. Then he caught Baiko's arm, rolled himself into her, and suckerpunched her in the face, before twisting her out and throwing her at Lime, who was forced to jump over Baiko to avoid joining her slamming into a wall. Baiko was temporrarrily out of commission now. Cherry and Bloodberry filled in where Lime didn't, but Lime joined them and their combined attacks forced Viper to step backwards, deflecting six fists in the process.


Viper stopped backing up and started driving forward himself with aggressive punches. Lime stumbled back a little, letting him concentrait on Cherry and Bloodberry. He caught their punches, and pulled their arms together, slamming them into each other, then twisted them off their feet and used sheer brute force to throw them across the ally. Lime recovered just in time to see Cherry and Bloodberry flying over her head, then turned to see Viper bearing down on her. She was forced to backpedal quickly, and also to try and deflect his strikes. He broke through her hurried defense and nailed a double punch into her abdomen, stumbling her backwards, then a punch to the shoulder, a deflected punch, gut strike, collar. Lime was backed almost to the wall from the onslaught but continued trying to fight back, she deflected several more punches but Viper continued to land them here and there. Finally she was backed into a corner. Viper broke her defenses and struck her in the chest again, stunning her for a second. Bloodberry and Cherry had just managed to untangle themselves and looked up to see Lime pinned. And Viper wound up for an EXTREMELY high force punch, straight for her face.



Lime clenched her eyes shut for the invetiable...
And when it didn't come, she opened them, to find Viper's fist a mere centemeter from her face.


Author:  Son Goharotto [ Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Okay, I didn't want to say anything. I really didn't. It's a small mistake, but apparently you haven't yet figured this out on your own.

The General Fanfiction section of W.A.R. is for "all topics, links, critiques and posts related to Studio Shinnyo Fanfiction." This section is for talking about Omoi, Higher Learning, Nightmare Oil, et cetera.

This section is NOT for your own writing. Our stuff goes in Creative Works, which you may not have realized is for "fanfiction, poetry, art, stories, and generally anything you want to share." Some of your older threads have already been moved there, but apparently none of the mods thought to correct you.

Like I said, it's a very tiny matter. Almost not worth mentioning. And I just know I'm going to be made out as a big jerk for this, but somebody had to say it. :?

Author:  admiraltigerclaw [ Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll keep that on file in my BRRRRAIN. Any comments on my boredem inspired work?

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