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 GAME: US Support of Gondor 
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*I think we are - GO order was given, Charlie is heliborne-assaulting the roof of the tower, and the rest of Broadsword is rolling in. We need to know what they're finding as they go in, and that's a GM function.*

"Charlie was a policeman, Nick-san. If you steal, you disgrace him. And me. And yourself..."

"Tough times don't last. Tough people do."

"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."

Token Reactionary S.O.B.

Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:10 am

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What Michael said. If the airstrike has hit, the assault force is moving. We're just waiting for reports from the units in the field.

Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:39 am
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*I'm guessing we're either on indefinite hold or doornailed on this one...,*

"Charlie was a policeman, Nick-san. If you steal, you disgrace him. And me. And yourself..."

"Tough times don't last. Tough people do."

"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."

Token Reactionary S.O.B.

Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:02 pm
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BROADSWORD has breached Isenguard.

Reports are coming back that the bombing pretty much demolished any surface targets, and collapsed several underground forges. Ressistance has been encountered, but is minimal. A few hundred Orcs in varying states of condition were located on the edges of primary impact areas. However, due to shellshock and Orc nature, they threw themselves at our forces with absolutely no subtlety and were cut down.

Air Assault teams quickly cleared the tower. They found what appeared to be an old man in his mid sixties, perhaps early seventies... dead from internal bleeding. A key was found on him, and teams found that it was the key to the tower's lower door. Thus, we have confirmed Saruman as KIA and Neutralized.

The U.S. Flag has been raised above the tower at sunset. We've taken Isenguard.

Interestingly enough: Combat engineers report the tower as 'still pristine'. Despite being BOMBED... TWICE. Personally, I want whatever that tower's made of built into our tanks.

EI reports that word of the fall of Isenguard has already spread, even before the flag went up. Of course... with all the racket we were making, I'm not surprised. A full scale Arclite airstrike isn't exactly subtle. Southeast of Isenguard, Rohan appearantly SAW the airstrikes, and reports of a band of a hundred or so Orcs were spotted east.

North to the Shire:

Advance scouts, with their Elvish pathfinders, are reporting back that it appears that we did overestimate the size of the briggand force. They count no more than a few dozen, and they appear to be centered around Hobbiton. Field teams are requesting permission to snipe down targets of oppertunity.

Logbase Alpha reports 'Everything is proceding as scheduled' as far as Full Bellies and Malayan Emergency.

Brother's back however, is having some problems. Seeing as our logistics were budgeted to deal with only our troops, increasing the ranks without increased logistical structure is putting the squeeze on spare gear. For the time being, this isn't threatening our fielded troops. However, as field time increases, parts and maintanance will become an issue.

EI reports that Dwarves are good with sort of thing, and that there may still be some around in the mountains just north of Forlindon.

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Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:57 pm
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Excellent work. Have our ground teams occupy the area as they see fit, and hunt orcs in the area to stay busy. I want a logistical solution for supplying that base. I'm thinking half our ground forces might feel cozy in that valley, as long as they've got air support.

The Shire team is go for sniper ops. Keep an eye out for unexpected nasties, though; maybe some farther-ranging patrols to look for a larger encampment?

Ask EI for best methods on approaching the Dwarves, and see if we can't find local supplies to reduce the load on our own logistics.

Why carry a gun? Because a whole cop would be too heavy.

Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:34 am

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I want the old man's body tagged, bagged, and secured for subsequent identification by EI or other local sources familiar with him. The guy was reportedly a wizard; I don't want to find out the hard way that this is some kind of trick.

Reiterate that if they find something even vaguely resembling a crystal ball, they're to throw a bag over it and secure the room, but not mess with it; it's hazmat.

All of Broadsword should find themselves secure positions from which to defend and set up a guard schedule, since Isenguard apparently had some orcs out in the field. We certainly don't want to be caught unprepared if those troops come home to see what all the ruckus was about.

Broadsword should make preparations to establish friendly contact with any troops from Rohan who come to Isengard to investigate. Any tips we can get from EI would be most welcome in that regard.

We should make plans to refuel and re-arm our forces at Isengard so they'll be ready to move if we need them again. They've got a seriously stretched supply line; I'd like to turn Isengard over to some local allies as soon as we can and get Broadsword back to a coastal position where we can support them better.


Try to pick up a few of those brigands for questioning. Others are fair game for sniping. Ask the EI Pathfinders if there are any Hobbitish leaders that we should attempt to contact.


Does EI know where to find one of these Dwarvish settlements? If so, can we send a diplomatic team out by helicopter to make contact with one of them?

Also, we still haven't made contact with the primary objective of our mission, the government of Gondor. Our cruiser and sub are presumably returning from their assault on the hostile fleet at Umbar. Would it be possible for them to attempt to contact Gondorian officials at settlements along the southern coast of Gondor?

Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:11 am
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Zero friendly casualties? Not even non-combat injuries? Wow...

Suffice it that Ops concurs with the recommendations of JTF-Six and Grunt Six. CAVEAT: let's not get too tied to the real estate - remember, our prime asset is mobility. We lose that if we're tied to a point defense - claymores and toepoppers remain an option if we have to displace out of Isengard.

Before we "go" on the targets of opportunity, let's make sure Team DIRK has assets in place to bail out our teams in the Shire if they buy into something they can't buy out of - just on the off chance.

If we have to downsize BROTHER'S BACK, then we need to ensure that our allies understand what and how far we're downsized, and why. J-5, break it down and be honest about it - we can't afford even the appearance of breaking our word. J-4, do what you can consistent with the safety of the Task Force.

J-2, we're going to need updated battlemaps and a revised SitRep. Also, what reconnaissance assets can we project into our Areas of Interest at Gondor, Rohan, Etc?

"Charlie was a policeman, Nick-san. If you steal, you disgrace him. And me. And yourself..."

"Tough times don't last. Tough people do."

"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."

Token Reactionary S.O.B.

Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:54 pm

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Michael J Doyle wrote:
Suffice it that Ops concurs with the recommendations of JTF-Six and Grunt Six. CAVEAT: let's not get too tied to the real estate - remember, our prime asset is mobility. We lose that if we're tied to a point defense - claymores and toepoppers remain an option if we have to displace out of Isengard.

I agree with not getting tied to Isengard; as I said, I'd like to hand it over to Rohan or some other friendly faction ASAP. Nonetheless, I want the troops there to set themselves up safely until we decide where they're going next. Orders are for them to be ready to relocate on short notice.

Michael J Doyle wrote:
Before we "go" on the targets of opportunity, let's make sure Team DIRK has assets in place to bail out our teams in the Shire if they buy into something they can't buy out of - just on the off chance.

I'd still like to pick one up for questioning, at least, but we can certainly wait on assurance we have an exit strategy before we go to eliminate the whole infestation.

Michael J Doyle wrote:
J-2, we're going to need updated battlemaps and a revised SitRep. Also, what reconnaissance assets can we project into our Areas of Interest at Gondor, Rohan, Etc?

Unless we relocate the carrier closer to the Bay of Belfalas, I don't see us having much besides the B-52 that will have the range to overfly the primary hostile nation, Mordor.

Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:12 am
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Ted C wrote:
Unless we relocate the carrier closer to the Bay of Belfalas, I don't see us having much besides the B-52 that will have the range to overfly the primary hostile nation, Mordor.

You know, there is this valley with a tower in it...

Why carry a gun? Because a whole cop would be too heavy.

Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:51 am

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Tozetre wrote:
Ted C wrote:
Unless we relocate the carrier closer to the Bay of Belfalas, I don't see us having much besides the B-52 that will have the range to overfly the primary hostile nation, Mordor.

You know, there is this valley with a tower in it...

It has no airfield. Do we want to devote the time and resources required to build yet another airfield? Furthermore, our only real way to get fuel from our island base to the continent is by ship, so an inland airfield doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense to me. Heck, it doesn't even seem like a good idea to try to keep ground troops supplied so far from shore.

To me, it seems that the logical place for an effective forward staging area will be somewhere on the southern coast of Gondor, near the Anduin river delta, preferably near a major friendly settlement so we don't have to ship in food as well as fuel and ammunition.

Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:46 pm
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Fielding a supply line won't be too much of a problem if we get creative.
I know the AC-130 Spectre could be stripped of its arms and fitted to ferry cargo. We can do the same with a little retooling of one of the KC-10s.

Fuel isn't a major supply issue for the aircraft as long as we keep the sorties well planned for. Given how there isn't anything that can really challenge any of our aircraft as far as range, speed, or altitude, let alone firepower, I doubt they'll see much beyond heavy close air support actions... which will be few, and far between outside of combat recon.

OWNER: Samurai Penguin Studios

Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:12 pm

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admiraltigerclaw wrote:
Fielding a supply line won't be too much of a problem if we get creative.
I know the AC-130 Spectre could be stripped of its arms and fitted to ferry cargo. We can do the same with a little retooling of one of the KC-10s.

Fuel isn't a major supply issue for the aircraft as long as we keep the sorties well planned for. Given how there isn't anything that can really challenge any of our aircraft as far as range, speed, or altitude, let alone firepower, I doubt they'll see much beyond heavy close air support actions... which will be few, and far between outside of combat recon.

I'm just the guy on the ground here, so I'll ask... do you really want to fly a plane load of fuel drums miles inland every time we need to fuel up the tanks and APCs? What happens when we need to move the assault force? Do we build another airfield everywhere we go?

Besides, with Saruman defeated, Isengard is now miles behind the front lines. The warfront just moved to the Anduin River as far as I can tell, so I think we need to start thinking in terms of establishing our forward base of operations near that front without putting it at risk.

If the Nimitz task force relocates to the Bay of Belfalas, they're in a position to provide air support for all of Gondor and fly recon and launch air strikes all over Mordor. Once we've made contact with the Gondorians, we should be able to use the port at Pelargir for off-loading vehicles and supplies from the Arctic.

From where I'm sitting, Isengard does not look like a useful position for us to occupy. Yes, it's a lovely strongpoint from which to hold the region, but the threat is already gone from the region. Let Rohan have it, if they're friendly, or lock it up and leave it. We need to move to the next major theatre of operation.

Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:15 pm

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Grunt 6 reporting current status of ground operations, as I understand them...

With Isengard in our control, this operation is now complete. Broadsword Six is holding Isengard while awaiting a new mission.

* Phase 1 (Hopscotch): Establish forward LZ with fuel bladders.
Complete. Deployed by CH-47.
* Phase 2 (Ghost): Deploy Special Forces the Shire with Elvish Scouts in support.
Deployment complete. Initial reports from the Shire indicate a small enemy presence.
* Phase 3 (Mayaguez): Eliminate hostile forces in the Shire.
Field units are requesting permission to engage via sniper activity. Upper command is telling us to hold them back until we have an exit plan in case of an emergency. Request sufficient helicopters from Wasp be moved forward to the LZ to provide emergency evac if needed. Based on reports, air support from A-10's will not be necessary.

Elvish Pathfinders are currently operating alongside our special forces in the field; they are already more adept at camouflage and move better on foot than our own units, but they are armed with their own bows and swords. Training with firearms and other equipment is proceeding, but the instructors are having difficulties. Something about the elves being "Luddites", according to the sergeant.

Last edited by Ted C on Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:48 pm
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I can instruct Wasp to move as far east into the Gulf of Lune as depth permits and launch helicopters. That SHOULD put us as close as 100 miles from the Hobbiton township. From there we can field the Longbow squadron and transit them off the Wasp as a waypoint. From there I can deploy its chopper squadrons for emergency Evac.


Report in from Isenguard. Unidentified beast-like creature was reported swooping over the area. Reports come back that several of the squads that were on short patrols were stricken with uncontrolled fear and opened fire. The beast retreated... However this incident won't go unnoticed, and we're sending dispatch to EI to find out what was going on.

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Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:16 pm
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Beasts, eh? Well, heat-seekers won't track it. Snipers?

Why carry a gun? Because a whole cop would be too heavy.

Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:20 pm

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admiraltigerclaw wrote:

Report in from Isenguard. Unidentified beast-like creature was reported swooping over the area. Reports come back that several of the squads that were on short patrols were stricken with uncontrolled fear and opened fire. The beast retreated... However this incident won't go unnoticed, and we're sending dispatch to EI to find out what was going on.

It goes without saying that Broadsword Six is now to go on full alert in case this is an advance scout for a counterattack. The vehicles are to be ready to roll in case they need to bug out in a hurry. Broadsword should identify some non-exposed areas where the troops can go to avoid attack if more of those things show up, as well as positions where they can try to bring them down with machine-gun fire.

I don't suppose we had a Hawkeye up in the area at the time, did we? I'd love to know if it was spotted on radar and, if so, where it came from and where it went.

Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:45 pm
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Threat assessment: the enemy is doing an aerial reconnaissance of his own, probably a) to learn how to fight us and b) try to take back Isengard.

Harriers are primarily day strike. Recommend we put at least a flight of four Hornets on night CASCAP over Isengard, four more on plus-five alert aboard Nimitz, additional assets on plus-fifteen. If the enemy decides to hit, I want to be able to put a wall of steel around Broadsword.

Question: did we find anything like that "Palantir" orb? If so, have we gotten hold of any friendlies who can advise on rendering safe or destroying it in place?

Grunt 6, I know the troops don't like it, but they'll like it even less if they get blindsided. We'll need aggressive scouting, patrolling, and reconnaissance on all avenues of approach. Patrols should not try to engage - observe, report, and target for artillery and tac-air. Priority: identify and target command structure and elite elements - these orcs they're using for line troops do not impress me as being particularly mentally agile; they're more cannon fodder.

Reminder: the Task Force's objectives are:
A) Make contact with friendly indigenous forces on the Middle Earth continent
B) Form alliance with these friendly indigenous forces offering them military and civil assistance commensurate with the Task Force's available assets
C) Defeat opposing indigenous forces, denying them their apparent objective of domination of the Middle Earth continent; and
D) Destroy opposing indigenous forces, rendering them incapable of interfering with the friendly indigenous government and its efforts to restore civil rule.

In other words, gentlemen: we're here to fight the enemy - not the terrain.

Proposed contingency plan: WHITE ELEPHANT. If the enemy comes in force, we don't seriously attempt to hold Isengard - we make it as expensive as possible for them to take it and hold it, instead. DX anything and everything of value in the area, right down to the captured enemy rations and health-and-comfort items. If they come in, force a battle of mobility, don't make a serious attempt to hold the place - under NO circumstances should Broadsword allow itself to become decisively engaged. We're not going to be doing Dien Bien Phu - that was stupid when the French did it in '54, and it'd be even stupider now that the enemy has cannon fodder they can use in not-human wave attacks.

"Charlie was a policeman, Nick-san. If you steal, you disgrace him. And me. And yourself..."

"Tough times don't last. Tough people do."

"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."

Token Reactionary S.O.B.

Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:01 pm
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Broadsword reports what it believes to be the Palantir. They covered it, and set up a tripwire demopack if the Palantir suspect is moved without the demopak being disarmed.

Here's another report from Broadsword as well. One of our patrols picked up a Man, a Dwarf, and an Elf. They managed to show up almost right on top of the patrol without being seen. Luckly, the squad leader kept a firefight from breaking out. I'm glad he managed it too. An Elf with a bow at close range WILL take someone down before he goes down.

They've given their names as a one Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. They said they were chasing a group of orcs who had captured their friends... probably that group of a hundred we tabbed on. Which means now we have a possible POW situation. I'm waiting for confirmation from EI on their Identities... but in the mean time, I'm thinking about a way to extract prisoners from an orc party. At the moment, the only thing I can think of is airlifting a few of our new Elvish snipers to Rohan and setting them loose. I'm also having a hornet prepped for photo-recon. We need to relocate that Orc party.

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Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:51 pm

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Without being impolite, I'd like to find out what these three wanderers can tell us about enemy forces that might be operating in the area. Come to think of it, they might be able to fill us in on potential allies, too. If we can recover their friends, that might go a long way to getting their cooperation. It would be especially nice if these guys can put us in contact with Rohan and/or Gondor. Broadsword should also ask if any of them could recognize Saruman if they saw him; if so, have them ID the body from the tower.

We don't have any Predators in our air assets, do we? Would've been darn useful for trying to locate their lost hobbits. Since our spec ops are currently allocated to EAGLE SWOOP, it looks like flying in some Pathfinders is our best option for a rescue mission.

Engineers with Broadsword Six are planting mines and demolition charges to render Isengard useless if it has to be abandoned. We'll use that key to lock the tower, Orthanc, after setting additional traps inside. Vehicles are cued up for immediate evac if a large force shows up; the tanks will cover the retreat of the rest of the convoy. Request that a Hawkeye be assigned for aerial recon; if an enemy force does move this way, we want plenty of warning.

Ordering a round-the-clock patrol schedule to look for approaching trouble.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:50 am
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Okay, a few changes;

I want some engineers out there. No, I'm not planning on a last stand- in fact, let's move our heavier units out. I'd like the engineers to turn the valley into a death trap. Fill the tower with pain, yes- but also make the enemy bleed if they want it back. Pit traps, collapsing walls, claymores in inopportune places, explosives to collapse cliffs and passes, that kind of thing. I want the entire local force ready to move if the enemy comes back. A "fighting retreat" that leads the enemy forces through every deadly trick bored engineers can dream up will give them caution- and caution will give us an edge.

I want independent confirmation of this trio's identity; can EI ID them? I don't want to send a rescue op into a trap.

How are we doing with Rohan, anyway? Contact made, friendly or otherwise?

Intelligence, can I get a full report of where all our forces are right now?

Why carry a gun? Because a whole cop would be too heavy.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:31 pm

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Tozetre wrote:
I want some engineers out there. No, I'm not planning on a last stand- in fact, let's move our heavier units out. I'd like the engineers to turn the valley into a death trap. Fill the tower with pain, yes- but also make the enemy bleed if they want it back. Pit traps, collapsing walls, claymores in inopportune places, explosives to collapse cliffs and passes, that kind of thing.

That's exactly what I ordered, with the caveat that they're doing all this work inside the stone ring of Isengard (which is a pretty large area). It would take a good bit more material that they've got to booby-trap the whole valley, and we don't want to block passage for potential allies, anyway.
Tozetre wrote:
I want the entire local force ready to move if the enemy comes back. A "fighting retreat" that leads the enemy forces through every deadly trick bored engineers can dream up will give them caution- and caution will give us an edge.

Ready to move on a moment's notice is already the order of the day.
Tozetre wrote:
I want independent confirmation of this trio's identity; can EI ID them? I don't want to send a rescue op into a trap.

I would like that myself. We need to get some EI people out to the field.
Tozetre wrote:
How are we doing with Rohan, anyway? Contact made, friendly or otherwise?

No sign of Rohan forces, as yet. Saruman must have pushed them out of the area. Hopefully we'll see some coming to investigate the big column of smoke before long.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:44 pm
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Roger on the Palantir. EI got anything on how fragile it is? We'd feel pretty silly if we execute WHITE ELEPHANT and all the demo pack does is mar the finish... By the way, have we finished destroying the captured enemy supplies, and if not, how fast can we get it done? I don't want the bastards to find so much as a grain of rice or a handkerchief if they retake the place

Re UAVs: Sorry, Grunt 6, no Predators, but we have limitedtactical-level UAV supportwith the MEU.

Re Special Ops: Although we can't spare the Special Forces A-Detachment from EAGLE SWOOP, bear in mind that the 24th MEU is "Special Operations Capable" - The MEU Commander has a damned good TRAP Platoon (Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel: see One-Eight's done rescues before - they've got the institutional memory).

Partner them and a Force Recon team with our three new friends - probably with Charlie One-Eight for heliborne assault backup and half the Cobras and Harriers for tac-air support, but I'd recommend leaving that to Broadsword Six's judgement, since he's the man on the ground at Isengard. Codename it as - oh, why not, call it Operation O'GRADY. Caveat: until we get independent confirmation of their identities, make sure Recon, the Scouts, and the TRAP Platoon know to be ready to grease 'em if they're lying to us. (There's an old saying we had in the Old Corps about operating with indigenous personnel: "Be polite, be professional, but be prepared to kill everybody you meet...")

Re WHITE ELEPHANT: I'm pleased that Orders Group concurs with the Staff's recommendation. Air Boss: on further consideration, we may want to keep a four-plane CASCAP (Close Air Support Combat Air Patrol) over Broadsword at all times, particularly if we're retasking the MEU Aviation Combat Element to support a rescue mission. Recommend you rotate that duty among all the Hornet squadrons in the Nimitz Carrier Air Wing, so they don't get overstretched. Grunt 6, I recognize we've got limited assets, but give some thought to the Skipper's idea of putting obstacles on the enemy's avenues of approach. Not necessarily to bleed the enemy in and of itself, but to channel the enemy into killzones, enfilades, firesack ambushes, and so on. Yours and Broadsword Six's discretion, but you may want to displace Echo 2nd to the 2nd to the hills and use them for the QRF - an Armored Cavalry troop is the fastest and deadliest thing in the METO (Middle Earth Theater of Operations). Or not - they're your heavies, and if Charlie 1/8 is supporting the rescue op

Re Other Matters: Gimme an updated SITREP on EAGLE SWOOP. If things really go to hell down south and we have to execute XENOPHON, the Wasp is going to have to make a speed run to pick up the MEU and the CAV. If that happens, what can Dirk Six do to make sure that we can still execute EAGLE SWOOP on schedule? The original OpPlan called for Dirk stablishing a staging base out of Mithlond and establishing a Forward LZ and Forward Area Refueling Point in the hills west of Tuckborough - we might have to revert back to that.

Okay, J-4, J-5: if the Scouts don't want a battalion's worth of kit, that ought to make your lives easier. What and how much equipment DO the Scouts need, and present revised plans for procuring it ASAP. And somebody needs to have a quiet word with whoever called the Scouts "Luddites" - gently remind the stupid sonofabitch that the Scouts have been operating in this AO for a minute or two longer than WE have, and that means the Scouts might have a better handle on what they need than WE do...

J-2, I tasked you with providing a revised battlemap yesterday - where the flippin' hell is it? Of COURSE I want it now - if I'd wanted it later, I'd've ASKED for it later! <razor-edged grin>

Finally, if Orders Group can spare me for about 48 hours, I need to get out to the field and get face-to-face with Broadsword and Dirk. They're closest to the action, and I need their perspective to try and get the fingerspitzengefuhl for operations. Air Boss, lay on transport for me, my aide, and my orderly...

[OOC: For those who know me, you already know that I have about as much use for what the Brits call a "batman" as tits on a boar hog. I can shine my own boots - my "orderly" is the smartest, toughest, "gentleman-ranker" Marine I could find to bodyguard for me...]

"Charlie was a policeman, Nick-san. If you steal, you disgrace him. And me. And yourself..."

"Tough times don't last. Tough people do."

"You have the rest of your life to solve your problems. How long you live depends on how well you do it."

Token Reactionary S.O.B.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:35 pm
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[OOC: for myself, I'd find my polar opposite; details-oriented, excellent memory, delights in making things perfect. I'd drive 'em around the bend, of course, because they'd be constantly picking up after me. I'm thinking a field-promoted CPO, a capable Yeoman in the style of Monty or perhaps a Quartermaster.]

Why carry a gun? Because a whole cop would be too heavy.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:30 pm

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BROADSWORD SIX: Operation O'Grady
MEU commander may deploy his TRAP resources for search and rescue of our guests' hobbits at his discretion. Appropriate precautions are to be used with them, as we have not verified their identities. In any event, they should deploy some UAVs to find that band of orcs (not to mention look for any other forces moving in the area).

Operation White Elephant
I'm concerned with the notion of putting traps in the area around Isengard. For all we know, the next troops to move through the area will be friendly. I don't want to annihilate a unit of Rohan's or Gondor's troops by accident. Barring a direct order to the contrary, I'm going to restrict the trapworks to the inside of the ring.

Similarly, we might want to hand over Saruman's supplies to local allies if and when they appear. That being the case, we're setting charges that we can use to destroy those stores in an instant should we need to abandon Isengard, but we won't destroy them prematurely.

If our helicopter evac is in position, Special Forces are clear to eliminate hostile forces in the Shire. We would like some of our Pathfinders to get in contact with legitimate Shire authorities as the operation begins; hopefully they can at least keep us informed of enemy activities as the operation proceeds.

Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:42 am
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Ted C wrote:
Barring a direct order to the contrary, I'm going to restrict the trapworks to the inside of the ring.

Sonny boy, allow me to enlighten you about the nature of command. I give the orders, and you follow the orders. You can give me advice, and you can give me warnings, but you cannot give me guff. When I say "trap they valley" I do not mean "please tell me why you should not do what I say," I mean "trap the valley." You have already received clear orders about trapping the valley. I expect your next report to include the words "We have trapped the valley." I expect the valley to be sufficiently trapped that any surviving enemy units start folk legends about us. And I expect you to do it before the enemy arrives, which is now a whole hell of a lot sooner than it would have been if you'd done what I said when I said it.

Why carry a gun? Because a whole cop would be too heavy.

Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:30 pm
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