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The Funniest Ways for PCs to die/Most embarassing RPG moment
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Author:  Amon [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  The Funniest Ways for PCs to die/Most embarassing RPG moment

We all have had moments in our gaming experiences where our brains just shut down (mostly due to alcohol and too much oxygen) and some of the funniest moments arise.

Most of the time this leads to one or all of the PCs dying. Much to the delight of their sadistic GM's.

So tell all people, what are some of your more embarassing moments in gaming?

Author:  Zangetsu [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:33 pm ]
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i dont know what to vote..

The Chocoloate Golum could be tasty.

But the garlic bread golum would be good with some nice pasta.

the other.. i have no idea.

Author:  HerrSlickmeister [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:42 pm ]
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I'm happy to say i'm a very good player, but I could tell stories about dumb things other people have done while playing with me.

I was DMing a short one night campaign, and a friend of mine was playing a dreamwalker I had created a couple years back.

Because things were moving so slowly, and our time was so limited, I pulled her into the other room and gave her instructions to tell someone a prophecy...because she was a long ways apart from the rest it would have to be done via slumber.

I guess it was partially my fault, as after another player---impatient as I was, and a very STRONG player nonetheless, knocked himself out so he could get the message ("I'm going to try to contact <name of character>...he might have important information for us") Britta completely forgot what it was I had told her.

And on top of that, we were down a player for a round of fighting, as he had knocked himself out.


I'm not the best DM in the world. T_T

Author:  Amon [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:45 pm ]
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hahahahahahahaha that's good, plant the idea in your PC's heads and watch the magic unfold. :lol:

Author:  HerrSlickmeister [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:01 pm ]
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Other time:

Now, i'm not the best DM/GM/whatever...But I've had a few doozies.

I've basically created a world that we usually play in---Most of my friends and I have characters living in this world, and the magic system and mesh of sci-fi-ish technology is spiff.

A friend decided he was going to host a campaign in my universe, and I was all like 'hell yeah!'---I prefer playing to GMing anyday.

So all of us dug our universe characters out of our old boxes, dusted them off, and headed off to roleplay.

This is what occured:

None of us could use our magic, because he had changed the heirachy of gods and associated abilities without telling us.

He completely ignored the balance factor, by creating a villan that was evil merely for the sake of being evil---something that would mess up my character and another person's entire psyche because we were, in essence, balance mages.

He made my favourite personal character have two illegitimate children without consulting me first. T_T

In the end:

I was sitting in the corner, on a sugar buzz, solving what I fondly refer to as 'chaos math', Allison's character had gone insane from imbalance and was currently digging a giant hole in the middle of the desert. megs' character was cowering in fear from my character, who had reverted to his 'evil self' when the ultimate evil was defeated and the balance thrown off...etc etc.


Author:  DoyleMisfit [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

once we had a blind seeing eye guide, and he kept getting HORRID rolls,

so our dm thought it would be funny if he fell into a volcano

we hit him good for that one

BTW- wtf is a flumph?

Author:  Amon [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:31 pm ]
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A flumph is THE weakest DND monster out there, you could find it in the AD&D Monster Manual.

It's even weaker than a kobold

Author:  Christopher Fiss [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Most embarasing way to die:

The horrible...terrifying...


Author:  RKumono [ Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:33 pm ]
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Heh, I can remember an old Vampire: The Masquerade game I played in years ago...

Everyone wanted a challenge... so, our slightly out of his mind DM gives us one...
4th Gen campaign...near god-level characters...
You need these four items for blah blah.. don't remember what for, but we were sent to get them...
First was held by Cappadocia [spelling I know is off]
Beat her in a tough battle..but the finishing blow was our Tremere drains her dry... now we have a 3rd gen Tremere..

Then Tremere in the group managed to get the DM to let him have a way to become human was an obscene task, however...but he managed to pull it all off... Rolling eight 10's on d10s...pulled it off.. So, instead of a Tremere vampire, we've got a human Mage... very good..anyway...

Next item is held by Set... Another 3rd gen.. harder this time, in that Set has about 50 4th gens guarding him...

Our DM pulls one of these really random plot twist generators, and it says to give everyone a ""Wish""... So, he sends "Puck" to grant everyone a wish... Needless to say, that about half the party got screwed on that one.. (two died as a result of their wishes - heh, "I wish to know everything" ...okay, you're an oracle.. you can't move you're dead.. next?)

One guy wishes for "The power to defeat Set"... Puck hands the guy a bag. 'There you go,' he said...
"What's in it?"
"Power to defeat Set"
"What is it?"
"Open it and see..."
He opens the bag... take damage from the sun.. Yes, the sun in a bag...

Okay, we manage to get brought before of us has the bag...
Set goes first... first move--dominate one person randomly...

We even got to see the roll... who's dominated? The one with the bag... Set gets the bag and asks us "What's in the bag?"
We say, "open it and see."
So, he points it at us, opens it, and we all die gruesome deaths...

Then the mage zaps him, kills him, and teleports away... end of game..

So there's some way to die... The Sun in a Bag...

Author:  HerrSlickmeister [ Fri Mar 19, 2004 1:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Happy...i'm feeling glad...i've got a bag...

I think I remember a GM putting that one down as an item we could buy once... ^_^

But I'd have to agree with Fiss---Gazebo. O_o

Author:  Binky [ Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:16 pm ]
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Christopher Fiss wrote:
Most embarasing way to die:

The horrible...terrifying...


Hey man. Gazebos are tough. Especially when they're on top of grassy Knolls.

Author:  Christopher Fiss [ Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:28 pm ]
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I have a +4 Gazebo slaying riding-mower. :P

Author:  Decebalus [ Sat Mar 20, 2004 4:43 am ]
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I?d have to say the best death I?ve ever seen personally would have to go to my level 4 sorcerer. The only member of our group with any healing abilities, bound into a reusable staff of life that only he can use, getting trampled to death by a stampede of rabid squirrels, chipmunks, lemmings and other small rodents after a 'lucky fate' (our equivilent of retard agility) victory over 3 basilisks

Details of the fight with basilisks later if anyone cares

Author:  Tozetre [ Sat Mar 20, 2004 11:35 am ]
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My most embarrassing moment;
1st level wizard. Weasels.
Same 1st level wizard. Weasels.
Same 1st level wizard. Weasels.
Same wizard, 2nd level. Kobolds.
Same wizard, 2nd level. Kobolds.
Same wizard, 2nd level. Kobolds.
Same wizard, 3rd level. Kobolds.
Same wizard, 3rd level. Kobolds.
Same wizard, 4th level. Kobolds.
I really hate kobolds. And not having a meat-shield.
Oh yeah, then the bastard of a GM thought it'd be REALLY funny to reincarnate me, at... 8th level, I think, when I died at the hands of horrible freaky doppelgangers in the most glorious and explosive death ever.... as a kobold. Yes, soooo funny. He was my favorite character ever, and I'm still bitter about it, because I can never play him in that universe again.
You bastard.
Happily, he got dimension-jumped later on, dropped 4 levels and lost everything that happened to him in those levels except the memories. He was very happy, and giggled in the face of demons, because they weren't kobolds.

Hey, Fiss. ^_^ Tell about that time with the golden apple tree and the statue in the pool, in that one maze. ^_____^ Or that other time when Austin's charater snapped his foot off. Or that other time when that stuff happened...

Oddly, though I suck as a player, I'm a killer GM. My players PH34R M3!
That reminds me, I need to get the pbem going again.

Author:  Christopher Fiss [ Sat Mar 20, 2004 1:10 pm ]
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<deadpans> Bless-you....


Author:  iPod [ Sun Mar 21, 2004 10:41 pm ]
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Or Fiss how bout the time Ryu went to heal Lee?
Or the time Ryu was going to step on the Star of David?
Or the time you licked a dripping clock?

Author:  DoyleMisfit [ Sun Mar 21, 2004 10:50 pm ]
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I'm, dripping clock?

Author:  Spike [ Sun Mar 21, 2004 11:43 pm ]
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okay if its a contest of most deaths for the same character.. I FUCKING WIN.
to quote austin, "you did die pretty well once or twice every session."
not that it wasnt fun, mind you. i loved following that poor girl into and out of insanity time and time again.
i hate being a meatshield without a competent healer.
and why isnt anyone else worried about the UZIS??!!

Author:  Christopher Fiss [ Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:09 am ]
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Because they were only shooting you. :D Nobody was silly enough to shoot the harmless wind-priest. Hell...he's wearing ROBES! How tough could he be????

<laughs manacially as hs summons a 50 point Air Elemental to eat them>

Author:  Amon [ Mon Mar 22, 2004 4:52 pm ]
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Don't you be the only one to complain about being shot in GURPS, I was the first one, and I got shot three times in the back of the head.

*Growls at the thought "Why, oh why didn't I just by a helm?"*

Author:  Spike [ Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:34 pm ]
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first but not most. i got shot 3 times in the BRAIN by a PARTY MEMBER.

Author:  Cam S. [ Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:02 pm ]
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Well, I'm generally the lucky bastard that survives, in my group...but we have a runner up for the "dying often" category in it. The funny part is that he gets killed the same way every time.

He's obsessed with Dragons, always wanting to fight evil dragons and serve good dragons, or something like that. He mouthed off to a black dragon, then was upset when he got melted. Later, he charged a young red dragon, and was upset when he got fried. In a dream, he was blasted into oblivion by a blue dragon, and, (yup, you guessed it) was upset by that, too.

He's like a sheep--always surprised by things that happen regularly.

Author:  Decebalus [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:15 am ]
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Sounds like one of the guys in my campaign, 5 sessions, 110 deaths - all dragons, this was brought on by him seriously pissing our DM off. In the end it was at the point of
Chris "As you walk outside you hear a noise from on the roof."
Will "it's a Dragon isn't it?"
Chris "Yup."
Chris "you see a shape on the horizon."
Will ?I?ll be back in a minute; I?ll just roll up a new character."
NPC "So how many times has someone in this party been attacked by a dragon?"
Jad "109, so far."
NPC "no offence guys, but I?m going a long way over there now, fast."
Chris ?as 'NPC' walks off you see a shape on the horizon."
Will "ARRRGH, Mother land!"

On a side not, is it just me or do Chris' have a tendency towards brilliant DM-ing.

Author:  Spike [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:19 pm ]
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Decebalus wrote:
Sounds like one of the guys in my campaign, 5 sessions, 110 deaths - all dragons, this was brought on by him seriously pissing our DM off.

dear sweet Goddess, what did you DO? rape his sister?!

Author:  Decebalus [ Fri Mar 26, 2004 4:39 am ]
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firstly; it wasn't me, and secondly; Will had the option of babysitting his brother, or gaming, he chose both, and finally after about the third it became more of a joke then a grudge (Note: at this piont our campaign was at a rather stagnent point) and we just continued it to see how many creative ways chirs could have him eaten by a dragon. it's become one of those legendary things that get recounted over and over again as if to relive the glory days,
much like me gettting slapped in the face by a whale weilded by god himself.

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